Mischa Zvegintzov is a man who got sober off of alcohol and drugs when he was 17 years old. In 1986, while living in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a judge gave him the choice of either going to jail for six months or going to treatment. He chose treatment and has maintained straight line sobriety ever since, which is now 37 years clean and sober. Mischa has known tremendous success, incredible failure and heartbreak over the years but has stayed sober through it all. Now in 2024, at the age of 54, he has tons of stories, strategies and tactics related to sobriety that he looks forward to sharing. Mischa is a dynamic force in the world of digital marketing; empowering heart-centered entrepreneurs to Amplify their message into the market and elevate their authority, their impact, and their income! No need for throwing money away on Facebook ads, Mischa has got a better strategy up his sleeve! With a track record of 20 years in old-school sales, Mischa marries tried-and-true strategies with the cutting-edge tools of the digital era. He has made over a million phone calls, run massive flier campaigns, and pounded the pavement door-to-door and business-to-business. Mischa and his team generated over 1.5 billion dollars in loans funded. After a brief retirement to guide his two boys through high school and enlighten others through yoga teaching, Mischa's now back in the game and his superpower is building influence! As the founder of the "Influence Army" and host of the “Table Rush Talk Show”, he's all about sharing his expertise and inspiring others to put their voice out there in a big way. Recent appearances: Podcast Host Testimonial! Yaron Been liked my Tactical Tips, My Stories, and My Energy! HELP SUPPORT OUR FIGHT AGAINST ADDICTION: DONATE HERE: https://www.patreon.com/theaddictionpodcast273 PART OF THE GOOD NEWS PODCAST NETWORK. AUDIO VERSIONS OF ALL OUR EPISODES: https://theaddictionpodcast.com CONTACT US: The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return theaddictionpodcast@yahoo.com Intro and Outro music by: Decisions by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100756 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ #drugaddictionpodcast #alcoholaddiction #alternativetreatment #hopeforaddiction #helpforaddiction #newmaninterventions