Marcel Gemme is a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist (DATS) and a member of NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals who concentrates on helping families find help for their loved ones. He is the founder and CEO of DRS, which includes and, two websites that have helped thousands of people find treatment for substance use disorder in the United States and Canada. Marcel is also a member of International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP). Marcel started as an intake counselor for a drug rehabilitation center in 2000. During his five years as an intake counselor, he helped many addicts get the treatment they needed. He also dealt with the families and friends of those people; he saw first-hand how much strain addiction puts on a family and how it can tear relationships apart. With drug and alcohol problems constantly on the rise in the United States and Canada, he decided to use the Internet to educate and help many more people in both countries. For the past 17 years, Marcel has been working with his family and other addiction professionals to build two of the largest substance use resource websites in the U.S. and Canada. These websites help millions of people each year by providing listings for every type of drug rehab service available in the country. To complement this, Marcel is constantly writing helpful tips and providing resources to keep individuals updated with the ever-evolving subject of addiction recovery. The quality of his work has not gone unnoticed, and the Government of Canada has recently included his Canadian website,, on a short list of country-wide resources for getting help with substance use. HELP SUPPORT OUR FIGHT AGAINST ADDICTION: DONATE HERE: PART OF THE GOOD NEWS PODCAST NETWORK. AUDIO VERSIONS OF ALL OUR EPISODES: CONTACT US: The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return Intro and Outro music by: Decisions by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: #drugaddictionpodcast #alcoholaddiction #alternativetreatment #hopeforaddiction #helpforaddiction #newmaninterventions #supe