Alex is 51 years of age, graduated in the top 5 and got a college scholarship, went to state in cross country and track and qualified for national team freshman year. Pre-med student for biomedical engineering. Busted with 52 hits of LSD in campus dorm room. Lost scholarship and started the slow spiral downward. Became a male entertainer, was in a couple of movies (both with Lee Burns) played semi pro paintball, and dabbled with stage and closeup magic. Cocaine use started to take its toll. I tried crack cocaine one time and lost everything I had including my first marriage. 3 trips to prisons and too many jail stints to count. Got involved with prison gangs and ran the streets and even homeless for over a year, living any way we could and eating food out of dumpsters placed by a woman who's son we later helped get recovery! Amazing how God works! Started shooting up meth to get off the cocaine and met my current wife and best friend. Got married in the middle of our addiction during a short sober run, finally reached the end of it all and God, after many nudges to turn around, brought us out of our addiction. Angela has had a career as a top sales woman for Holiday in Club Vacations, and I now co-own 2 companies. We have a very small ministry helping drug addicts sent to us by referral or that we seek out to get into Christian based recovery programs. We also go into the women's prisons on xmas and mothers day to hand out gifts and minister. Covid unfortunately put a pause to that but will hopefully get started back up soon. Any and all facets of drug addiction. How we get there, why we stay there, and how we can get back. Willing to talk about any portion of our lives you want to talk about if it will help even 1 person change their mind. HELP SUPPORT OUR FIGHT AGAINST ADDICTION: DONATE HERE: PART OF THE GOOD NEWS PODCAST NETWORK. AUDIO VERSIONS OF ALL OUR EPISODES: CONTACT US: The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return Intro and Outro music by: Decisions by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: #drugaddictionpodcast #alcoholaddiction #alternativetreatment #hopeforaddiction #helpforaddiction #newmaninterventions