Thursday, June 6, 2019Chris' Story - 7 Rehabs -His Story of Sobriety and Success
Chris' story at the outset doesn't sound that different than many of the stories we've told on the podcast. What does it take for someone to reach the...
Thursday, May 30, 2019Jay Shifman's Story - Psych Drugs Started It
Jay's story is one that we haven't heard before. Prescribed psychiatric medications at a very young age, he ended up addicted to several of those as ...
Thursday, May 23, 2019Addiction and Denial
Joanie and Jason back in the studio and talking addiction. What is denial really? So often Jason encounters parents and loved ones of addicts who sa...
Thursday, May 16, 2019Josie and Her Parents - Different Perspectives of Addiction - Their Story
In this episode, we have all three of those involved - Josie (former addict) and her mom (Nadja) and dad (Jim). They each have their own perspective ...
Thursday, May 9, 2019Dave Chase - the Opioid Crisis Wake-up Call
Today's episode is an interview with author Dave Chase. His latest book focuses on the Opioid Crisis. The opioid crisis is not an anomaly. Instead, ...
Thursday, May 2, 2019Diane Stein - Dangers of Psychotropic Drugs
Diane Stein is the President of Citizens Commission on Human Rights in Florida. She adds a unique perspective on the role that psychiatric mind-alter...
Thursday, April 25, 2019Kelly Beazley - Behind the Scenes Revelation in the West Virginia Drug Epidemic
This is the story of one unbelievably unethical doctor in West Virginia - Dr. Raj Masih - who was not only responsible for at least one death, but for...
Thursday, April 18, 2019Bobby Newman's New Intervention Approach
Bobby Newman is an interventionist with a 90% success rate of getting people into treatment. He is a former addict, so knows all the whys and wherefor...
Thursday, April 11, 2019Ted McGrath's Path from Addiction to Successful Entrepreneur
Today's episode is an interview with Ted McGrath. Ted is a highly paid consultant, coach, motivational speaker, actor and entrepreneur. Following hi...
Thursday, April 4, 2019Benjamin's Story - From DJ Addict to Recovery
Benjamin is from Denmark and started on drugs when he was DJing in Denmark. He is now clean and sober and wants to help spread the word to others. H...